ProFTPD module mod_sql_sqlite

SQLite is a lightweight embeddable database system that is gaining in popularity. More details can be found here:

The mod_sql_sqlite module is designed to let ProFTPD's mod_sql module connect to and use a SQLite database. This module is contained in the mod_sql_sqlite.c file for ProFTPD 1.3.x, and is not compiled by default. Installation instructions are discussed here.

The most current version of mod_sql_sqlite is distributed with ProFTPD.


Please contact TJ Saunders <tj at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.


The mod_sql_sqlite modules requires that SQLite be installed.

After installing SQLite, follow the usual steps for using contrib modules in ProFTPD, making sure to list mod_sql:

  $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_sqlite
  $ make
  $ make install
You may need to specify the location of the SQLite header and library files in your configure command, e.g.:
  $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_sqlite \
    --with-includes=/usr/local/sqlite/include \

Alternatively, if your proftpd was compiled with DSO support, you can use the prxs tool to build mod_sql_sqlite as a shared module:

  $ prxs -c -i -d mod_sql_sqlite.c


For the most part, mod_sql_sqlite requires little configuration. In the SQLConnectInfo directive, simply use the full path to the SQLite database file; no username or password are required. The SQLBackend provided by mod_sql_sqlite is "sqlite3".

For example:

  <IfModule mod_sql_sqlite.c>
    SQLBackend sqlite3
    SQLConnectInfo /path/to/ftpd.db

Note that due to the way that mod_sql_sqlite implements database transactions (e.g. INSERT and UPDATE SQL statements for SQLLog directives), SQLite-3.6.5 or later is required in order for mod_sql_sqlite to support SQLLog directives if DefaultRoot or <Anonymous> are used. (SQLite-3.6.5 and later support the MEMORY journal mode, which is needed for supporting the SQLLog directives in a chrooted process.)

Once you have your SQLite database file created, you can follow the rest of the instructions in the SQL howto for creating the schema for user/group authentication.

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